Friday, February 27, 2015

Officially Old

Psssst... Cristin. Should you ever come across this blog a couple quick hints to help you from having to do things that make you feel old. In fact, doing these could actually make you seem cool among your, apparently elderly, friends.

1. It's a fantastic website. You just type in what you want to know and it provides all kinds of links to help you discover it.

2. If that's too complicated, is a repository of all things internet memes to you. 

These will make your life easier.

That being said, being old isn't a bad thing. It beats the alternative.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Switching Majors

What kind of college offers this? I mean, I'm sure there may be a film school somewhere that may look at how Friends was structured and the changes in character development of the six New Yorkers over the decade the show was on the air. But to be able to major in that?

Nevertheless, we here at the Official Official Blog wish Tyler the best on his new academic goals. College should be about getting an education, not simply preparing oneself to be another cog in the machine of the economy. So if Tyler wants to take a deep dive in to Friends and Having Existential Crises during his time at school, rather than mock, we wish him well.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Bad news potential suitors. She's decided to marry pizza.

Also, did I miss a decision where the Supreme Court made it legal to marry a Supreme Pizza?

Sorry, I'll show myself out.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Empire, for those not acquianted with it, is drama on FOX about a music mogul who is diagnosed with a terminal disease and the family members who are fighting for control of the company. (In unrelated news, you're now unofficially caught up on Empire.) I actually haven't watched the show, but listened to a podcast about it but from the sounds of it, it has a soapy, Beverly Hills 90210 quality to it that could make it fun if you're in to that kind of show.

Unlike the old days (days my son will never truly understand), if you missed an episode of a show, you had to hope the "previously on Empire" clips before a new episode would be enough to catch you up until the network reran the episode. Now, with everything on demand, typically the next day, it's easy to be caught up and not really something that needs to be commemorated with an official declaration. Nevertheless, he we are, making things official.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Grandma has worms

On Keith Olbermann's old MSNBC show, he would nightly countdown the worst person in the world. Typically it was a politician doing something either so egregious as to offend the consciousness of Olbermann or something so hypocritical that calling them out was was necessary. Not once do I recall him ever naming someone who chased down his or her grandmother with a worm and making her cry.

Perhaps he should have. While the image of someone chasing down their grandmother with a worm is kind of funny, if it's going to make her cry, it is kind of cruel. And while it doesn't rise to level of Boko Haram or ISIS for being the worst person in the world, it's not going on the positive side of the ledger of things this person has done.