Friday, April 10, 2015

Officially Sick

This one I get. Doctors notes for missing school and work make being sick something to be made official. That said, how little trust do we have as a society that we need a doctor's note excusing us from school or work. Fortunately I've never worked at a place that required such documentation, but have read of others who needed a note from a medical professional to miss work. If you don't trust your employees enough to stay home when they're sick, you either need better employees or, more likely, to look at yourself and figure out why you have trust issues. I'd much rather someone stay home when they're not feeling well then come to work sick and get everyone else ill. Even if it's not enough to warrant a visit to the doctor, stay home and keep your germs away from me.

Anyway, hope you're feeling better Bsia. 

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