Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thinks I'm insane

Let's get this out of the way first. We have no way of knowing if Hannah here is insane. She may be, she may not be. Not having access to her medical records and laws preventing medical professionals from giving out information to strangers calling about someone's mental health mean we have no way to validate this guy in her apartment's view.

That being said, we're now at a point in our society where we give out official notifications for thoughts. I'm not sure I want certificates for all my thoughts. In fact, I'm pretty sure you wall would think I'm the worst person in the world if you had access to what I was thinking. I certainly don't want my thoughts recognized in some sort of commemorative way. But I'm just one person. I can't change society all on my own, so we're stuck with some of our thoughts receiving official status.

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