Monday, August 25, 2014

16 Days Clean

What: on a more positive note, i am officially 16 days clean and i'm slowly feeling better
Source: Twitter
Date: August 22, 2014

 There's a lot of stupid stuff people make official on social media. You need to do no more than look at anything else I've written on here to see that. But let's take a moment and celebrate this person who is working to overcome an addiction. I've done no research on this person. I didn't go back and look to see what she was addicted to or if she posted what ultimately led her to stop whatever it was she was doing. But kudos to her for taking the step to make herself better.

All that said, 16 days seems an strange time frame to make official. I understand the "one day at a time" thing and fully support anyone who is battling addiction. And those making that fight probably should celebrate each day, especially at the beginning. But why 16? Again, I didn't check, but did she make it official at a week? A fortnight? It's likely I'll never check back on this person again, so I hope she stays clean.

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