Thursday, August 14, 2014

All moved out

What's been made official: "I'm officially all moved out and in my new apartment."
Source: Twitter
Date: August 14, 2014

Moving is stressful. I've been fortunate and haven't moved all that often, but I did help my then girlfriend (now wife) move several times when we were in college. I hated it. And I hated when we moved. I detested the process of boxing up all of of my worldly possessions and loading them into a truck and then unpacking them all. It sucked.

But this gentleman who moved in to his new apartment got something I never did. He apparently got some sort of formal recognition for his move. I know when I've moved, there was never any sort of official declaration that it was complete. We just all kind of looked around and said "that's good enough for now. Who wants pizza?" I'm imagining some sort of certificate or plaque he can hang on his new apartment wall recognizing the accomplishment.

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