Saturday, August 16, 2014


Not Jennette.
Well, there's an incredibly small chance it's her, but probably not.
I just googled "random girl" and went down a few pages and found this pic.

What's been made official: "I've officially lost every ounce of little respect I had for Jennette. she's getting really pathetic & I'm done tolerating w people like her"
Source: Twitter
Date: August 14, 2014

I have no idea who Jennette is, what she's done that is considered pathetic, and why the person who posted this was tolerating her in the first place. Nor do I know how much respect the poster had to begin with before losing "every ounce of little respect" she had. I mean, if she had, say, two ounces of respect, it seems like a bit much to go through the formality of making it official that you've lost that small amount. Why not just lose the respect and not bother to let the world know? (Aside from the fact that if people started doing that this blog would cease to exist.)

And sadly, I have no way of finding out who Jennette is and what her reaction to this is. Is she upset? Does she care? Does it bother her that she's lost the respect of someone who can't even use proper capitalization in her tweets? Why has she been getting really pathetic? So many unanswered questions. Sometimes 140 characters just isn't enough.

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