Friday, August 29, 2014

Nothing to wear

What: I've officially run out of outfits to wear to school isn't this tragic
Source: Twitter
Date: August 27, 2014

So my son's school started incredibly early, like August 1st early. And yet, despite the fact my kid has been in school for nearly a month at this point, he's not out of outfits to wear yet. It's not because we're fabulously wealthy and have 180 different outfits, one for each school day. No, it's because we do laundry. It's not all that hard. Time consuming and annoying to do, yes, but not difficult. You should try it.

But even beyond that, to call such a thing tragic is ludicrous. Tragedy is just comedy minus time.* There's nothing comedic about running out of outfits. I mean, I guess if you showed up to school in nothing but your underwear like that dream everyone says they have but no one actually has ever had, that might be comedic. But standing in front of your closet and not likeing what you have is not tragic and there's no amount of time that can be added to that situation to ever make it funny.

*If Comedy = Tragedy + Time then, if my math is correct, Comedy - Time = Tragedy.

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