Wednesday, August 27, 2014

I'm Done

What: I’m officially done trying. If you want me in your life, you can come find me. Until then, continue treating me like I don’t exist.
Source: Twitter
Date: August 26, 2014

First off, no you're not. If you were officially done trying, you wouldn't go through the process of formalizing it. You'd just stop trying. You're like the guy in Monty Python and the Holy Grail wondering why the person carved "arrrgh" into the rock if he died while carving it. He wouldn't carve it, he would just say "arrrgh" and then die.* In this case, you're not done trying you're just looking for attention.

*"Perhaps he was dictating it" is the next line and even though I've seen it easily 50 times, I still laugh when he says it.

Secondly, you left no way of finding you. No name. No email or facebook address. Nothing. Kind of hard to come find you when you don't leave a forwarding address. That said, since I have no idea who this person is and didn't know he or she existed until about 10 minutes ago, I think I probably will go on treating him like he doesn't exist. I can see where you think this is mean, but in my defense, he doesn't know I exist either.

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